Rene Ames
Office Manager
Rene Ames is NZCPT’s Office Manager and is primarily responsible for collecting and distributing school fees, and communicating with KingsWay School families. Rene also oversees NZCPT’s office administration.
Rene has a long history for KingsWay school, working at their main reception and later as the Senior School Administrator supporting their leadership, teaching staff and the Senior School.
Office: +64 9 200 1947
Selena Codlin
Selena is married to Aaron with two young children . She attended Kamo Christian College, now know as Excellere College, one of our affiliated schools.
Selena joined the NZCPT team late 2020 and has over 20 years experience in bookkeeping and managing company finances.
Selena enjoys the refreshing opportunity to work in a faith based organisation and connecting to Christian schools in her area. Her family attend CauseWay Church in Mangawhai